The Founders Live Podcast
The Founders Live Podcast
172 - Dr. Chandler Chang of Therapy Lab: Mental Wellness For The Entrepreneur AND Their Family
Nick Hughes is joined by Dr. Chandler Chang , a clinical psychologist and the Founder of Therapy Lab from Los Angeles, CA. In her effort to rethink how we access and utilize therapy, Dr. Chandler became an entrepreneur to change the way we look at mental health by developing new systems for receiving mental health support. She realized that she’d need to dive into her entrepreneurial side and develop new systems for accessible therapy by starting Therapy Lab and offering something new: evidence-based therapy with a plan.
The episode starts with Nick and Chandler discussing how she started her journey and why she choose entrepreneurship as a lifestyle. Nick asks why she decide to start the company and what is the a story behind it. We then hear more about Therapy Lab Kids and what problem Chandler saw in the market, especially for families. They talk about the current times… and what are we dealing with globally as to mental health crises. Nick and Chandler then dive into mental health for entrepreneurs. They wonder, what happens when entrepreneurs push too hard? And what are the new systems for receiving mental health support, especially as a high achiever. Lastly, we hear about her biggest obstacles she has overcome and her lessons and tips for early stage entrepreneurs. This is a very important conversation with an entrepreneur who has set out to help many other people improve their mental and emotional wellness, we hope it helps you today.